Saturday, January 10, 2009


I was busy for the whole day. In the morning I went to PS to meet my first client. After that I met up my friend at SMU to go down to a shop in Bradell together to change the rubber of my table tennis bat because I am changing my playing style, and hence the need to change the rubber. Now my bat has pimples on one side already :(..but it has lost a lot of weight and it feels lighter now. Yay!

It has pimples which no medication of cleansing lotion can help, but it has become lighter and enables me to be faster during the game.

After changing the rubber, I went to Tampines Mall to meet my pal's gf, and was surprised to find that he was with her too. That's lucky because without him it would have been a boring journey from Tampines back to Bukit Panjang instead of chatting :). It was a super long journey back home! :(

I'm super shag now, but later still have to work to generate the BIs for my clients and read up a bit of working/school stuff.

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