Friday, February 2, 2007

Mac ram upgrade and chemistry lab

No classes today. However I still went to school to meet up with ryu to purchase rams from him for my macbook. I paid a total of $300+ for 2*1gig rams and the fee for MacNUS membership. Yipee now I am the official member of MacNUS and my macbook is running much smoothly than last time when it was 2*256mb ram. I find that the money is spend worthwhile:).

When to my first organic chemistry lab yesterday. There's a lot of girls in the lab:). Not surprising though since there are more girls than guys studying Chemistry in NUS. The girls to guys ratio in my lab session is about 3 out of 10. Thats why I enjoy my lab session yesterday...haha. I made a new friend from Chemistry yesterday. His name is Terence and same as me he is from polytechnic also:). Thanks to his help my lab session went on smoothly. I have not done any chemistry lab session since O'Level and therefore I am rather excited about the lab. Terence is very helpful along the way to make sure that I get a hang of the lab apparatus and procedures. Haha the end product which I have refined was very pure as it's melting temperature is very close to the ideal:).

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